Mr. John Behle I need HELP!!! Or Anyone With Great Paper Knowledge

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Posted by Mike Nguyen on October 27, 2002 at 06:08:08:

I need your help. I bought your course 3 weeks ago and enjoyed it greatly . But one thing I can't seem to do is convince private investor to invest with me. I'm 26 but I look like 15 or 17. I is so hard to convince my fellow investor to invest with me. I don't think they trust a little kid with their money. I mean, what a kid know about finance. But you know what Mr. Behle, I've made contact with and befriended with 3 realtors who is willing to work with me. But I can't seem to raise the funds with private investor. I know a few rich people but don't know how to approach them the right way about Trust Deed Investing. If you have a good script for private investor or how to handle them, I would greatly appreciated if you show me the ropes. So far your course is the best I've read on Trust Deed Investing. But would of been even greater if you had good scripts for handing people in certain situation. (investor,realtor,brokers,and title agents Etc.)
ANy help would be greatly APPRECIATED!! THANK YOU

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