Posted by John Behle on February 19, 2003 at 23:59:40:
In Reply to: Hey Now...... posted by David Alexander on February 19, 2003 at 23:36:13:
I was just using the bandit signs thing as an analogy. I guess it was a bad one, maybe I'll edit the post.
I delete the SPAM just about as fast as it comes in, but it would be nicer to prevent it.
As far as you - you would fit in the category of a valued contributor and if you want to post a reference to like I just did, that wouldn't bother me.
The spammers usually don't contribute a thing. I just had one that kind of irked me. Something like 8 posts advertising their service. Fortunately, I can delete all posts by an author. Click, click, it was done.
People that contribute deserve more leeway. For example, Mike Morrongiello that has contributed a lot answering questions, etc. He's been respectful about advertising and is bright enough to know that his contributions pay off more than blatant I BUY NOTES ads all over.
There has been a bit of that lately. Someone who has never contributed or participated in any way coming in solely to violate policy and advertise they buy notes.
As Jar Jar would say.... How wuuude....
As I type this, I think more about adding links right on this page to sites of contributors and respected services and companies. If there was someone who should or could advertise, it would be them - and I'm not going to stand by and have some fly by night, saw an infomercial yesterday, newbie notebroker come paste things all over this board.
If they have something to contibute... wonderful. Add value - get valued ads. But, newbie, experienced or otherwise have no right to come in and violate policy, when people who really contribute respect it.
I also worry about who they are and what their dealings are. I have and will send people to someone like Mike Morrongiello with great confidence and assurance they will be fairly and decently provided for with competent service.
If someone else wants to demonstrate their credibility, longevity, professionalism and experience by contributing to the board, then I will be more inclined to overlook their advertisement at the bottom of a post or direct answer to a post of "call me" or whatever.
Sorry to use the term bandit signs. It was an analogy. If I was thinking of you, I wouldn't have used that example and would have more likely mentioned you as being in the category of valued contributor.
- Re: NOT AT ALL phil fernandez 16:58:15 2/20/2003 (1)
- Hey Phil.... David Alexander 00:42:24 2/24/2003 (0)
- I thought maybe.... David Alexander 01:09:07 2/20/2003 (7)
- So glad I checked in tonight! Carol Kostic 22:08:49 2/25/2003 (0)
- I had just decided to hold the July 5 day training..... John Behle 01:15:57 2/20/2003 (5)
- Re: I had just decided to hold the July 5 day training..... Nate 15:36:17 3/04/2003 (0)
- Is someone ripping you off? Kelly 21:10:10 2/25/2003 (2)
- Re: Is someone ripping you off? John Behle 22:53:08 2/25/2003 (1)
- Re: Is someone ripping you off? Scott Sossamon 15:59:02 5/25/2003 (0)
- We just need an excuse.... David Alexander 00:42:45 2/24/2003 (0)