Posted by Lv lewis on February 16, 2004 at 09:31:58:
In Reply to: Re: I probably got duped, right? posted by Richard Hebner on February 08, 2004 at 19:01:11:
i have seen the ad for a few year's an have not hard to much of anything about , are the peopl who in vest'ed time an money .
like most of you i goto fine the website an low an behold the searh toook me here
i know frm these money making shemes i my self do a littl research before i invest an fine out the pros an cone
as most may put it , when the ask for money the you know some it may not be true
a ad like this is something you can fine out your self
by going to the website an seeking the anserws on how true
i have my self not try any of the when they ask forr th credit card the you know it a sheme are send you a follow up e-mail woundering if you will subscrib
i know what youmean by being duped