Real estate Vs. Paper

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Posted by Jason on March 20, 2004 at 03:57:43:

I'm interested in getting into both of these businesses and I was wondering which is easier to finance? I read a little ways down about how most of the time in paper a lender will be more interested in the value of the actual note and the credit of the payor instead of qualifying me or my personal credit. That sounds enticing since I'm 23 and I'm in debt because of school. Is this true?

However, I'm not fond of making assumptions and I'd rather hear it from someone who knows the business.

Also, how can I get a glossary of all the lingo? I need to learn the financial language of everything, and how that weighs on what kind of deal I'm getting. I know that may sound stupid, but I really need to understand the number crunching part of things so I know what kind of deal I'm looking at. I found John Behles paper game course on ebay, but by the time I got the money together, it was already sold. So, I guess I'll just ask a lot of questions until it goes back up.

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