Website, forum and PAPER GAME course

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Posted by John Behle on March 10, 2016 at 12:26:44:

Yes, as long as people are interested, the PAPER GAME course is still available on DVD. It is the same as the course that was on VHS. Though it is a little dated as to when the seminar was presented, the ideas, strategies, formulas and information are mostly "timeless".

The course and orders are handled by Carol and except for one glitch a couple years ago, Carol has done a remarkable job.

I have been very ill and do not visit or answer questions on this or any other forums any more. I don't expect that to change.

So, while there likely will not be any response to questions on this forum by me, others may answer and be helpful.

I leave the forum up because there is a wealth of information in the past questions and answers that can be a benefit to students.

All my best, John D. Behle

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