Structuring Partials - Note splitting?

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Posted by Jess on November 20, 2001 at 16:23:39:

John, or anyone else, I have a question about note splitting as one way to structure a partial. I clearly see why using a compensating note is probably the best way to go in most cases, but I am just trying to understand note splitting as well. On page 20 of Advanced Discounting Techniques in regards to note splitting you say "The problem here would be because the payor would need to be brought into the picture and possibly compensated or enticed in some manner." I don't see why this is, what am I missing? If you split a 1st into a 1st and a 2nd with the seller subordinate to you, and all payments going to you until the 1st is paid off, this doesn't change anything in regards to the payor so why would they care? Wouldn't they still be paying the same amount every month? As far as the payor is concerned the terms of the note haven't changed? Or have they?

One last question. You say there are 4 ways to structure a partial, but the 4th way is not revealed. Is this still top secret, not workable anymore, etc. or can you share it now? I can hardly sleep at night thinking about you not sleeping at night thinking about it. =)

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