How to choose institutional investors?

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Posted by David Schecter on June 26, 2002 at 15:07:36:

I am a beginning note broker, and I have some questions about how to choose institutional investors to work with. I want to avoid choosing the wrong people, taking excessive time to find the right people, or finding the right people but making a bad impression because I wasn’t prepared.

Here are my questions:
1) What criteria should I use to choose institutional investors?
2) Any recommendations about who would be good for a beginner to work with?
3) There are lots of institutional investors out there. Any suggestions about how to narrow the search?
4) Once I’ve targeted a few investors, how should I approach them? Email, letter, or phone call? What should I say, other than requesting their broker package?
5) What "homework" (if any) should I do before approaching them?

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