We know it can be expensive building a real estate library.  Wouldn't it make it easier if you could continue your education without as much cash outlay?  

We'll consider a trade of our products for existing "Paper", real estate, success, personal development or other courses you might already have in your library.

Each trade is subject to approval of course.  We trade retail for retail unless the other course is damaged, worn or very low interest for us or our students.  Email us what you have and what you would like to trade for.

  Here's the link.


Questions?: Email to

Fax to 603-994-0313 or TOLL FREE at 1-877-380-9363

Visa and Mastercard orders may be placed through our "PayPal" merchant system. Click on this link.  PayPal or on eBay they may also be placed through BillPoint.



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