Posted by Jerrold in Dallas on September 08, 2002 at 02:28:30:
Does a buyer you owner finance need to qualify if you plan on selling the note? I have someone interested for a house I am asking 115k for but she only makes about 30k a year. So, can I ask for 5% down with her and sell the note ?
- 95% LTV owner financing IS possible... Michael Morrongiello 20:11:44 10/01/2002 (0)
- Re: Owner Finance and selling the Note Jim Davis 02:37:05 9/10/2002 (2)
- Re: Owner Finance and selling the Note Jerrold in Dallas 00:47:51 9/11/2002 (1)
- Re: Owner Finance and selling the Note Sue 09:48:10 9/29/2002 (0)